
Dining in Thailand: items of note:


* Straws are used ALWAYS… regardless of beverage type, be it bottled water, milk, beer, coffee… I watched my boy P-Bon use a straw at a water fountain.

* Strange beverage consumption is not limited to straw use. Beer is always served with ice and often drinks are served in bags… yeah bags. I’m not talking Capri-Sun, but rather shopping bags like you see at Wal-Mart… handles and all. They’ll stick a straw right in the top of that bitch.

* Breakfast, lunch and dinner foods are indiscernible. Rice, noodles, soup, and meats on sticks are no more or less appropriate at any particular time of day.

* Everything thing tastes like fish and is spicy as hell, even bread and candy.

* Juice is amazing. As soon as I’m done here I’m getting a trash bag of dragon fruit juice.

* Fish jerky is disgusting / kind of addicting.




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